아침부터 라즈베리를 키는데 갑자기 에러가 출력되었다.
fsck: Warning... fsck.vfat for device /dev/mmcblk0p1 exited with signal6.
fsck died with exit satus 8
failed (code 8).
[FAIL] File system check failed. A log is being saved in /var/log/fsck/ckeckfs ~~
에러 로그 확인
급한마음에 막 unmount하지 않고 sd카드리더기에서 빼고 그랬는데 문제가 생겼나보다..
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=53365 참고
$ sudo dosfsck -w -r -l -a -v -t /dev/mmcblk0p1
본인의 경우(sudo dosfsck -w -r -l -a -v -t /dev/sdb1)
kkn@kkn-virtual-machine:~/linux$ sudo dosfsck -w -r -l -a -v -t /dev/sdb1
[sudo] password for kkn:
fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)
fsck.fat 3.0.26 (2014-03-07)
Checking we can access the last sector of the filesystem
0x25: Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt.
Automatically removing dirty bit.
Boot sector contents:
System ID "mkfs.fat"
Media byte 0xf8 (hard disk)
512 bytes per logical sector
8192 bytes per cluster
1 reserved sector
First FAT starts at byte 512 (sector 1)
2 FATs, 16 bit entries
16384 bytes per FAT (= 32 sectors)
Root directory starts at byte 33280 (sector 65)
512 root directory entries
Data area starts at byte 49664 (sector 97)
7161 data clusters (58662912 bytes)
63 sectors/track, 255 heads
0 hidden sectors
114688 sectors total
Checking file /boot
Checking file /COPYING.linux (COPYIN~1.LIN)
Checking file /LICENCE.broadcom (LICENC~1.BRO)
Checking file /bcm2708-rpi-b-plus.dtb (BCM270~1.DTB)
Checking file /bcm2708-rpi-b.dtb (BCM270~2.DTB)
Checking file /bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb (BCM270~3.DTB)
Checking file /bootcode.bin (BOOTCODE.BIN)
Checking file /cmdline.txt (CMDLINE.TXT)
Checking file /config.txt (CONFIG.TXT)
Checking file /fixup.dat (FIXUP.DAT)
Checking file /fixup_cd.dat (FIXUP_CD.DAT)
Checking file /fixup_db.dat (FIXUP_DB.DAT)
Checking file /fixup_x.dat (FIXUP_X.DAT)
Checking file /kernel.img (KERNEL.IMG)
Checking file /overlays (OVERLAYS)
Checking file /start.elf (START.ELF)
Checking file /start_cd.elf (START_CD.ELF)
Checking file /start_db.elf (START_DB.ELF)
Checking file /start_x.elf (START_X.ELF)
Checking file /issue.txt (ISSUE.TXT)
Checking file /LICENSE.oracle (LICENS~1.ORA)
Checking file /.Trash-1000 (TRASH-~1)
Checking file /kernel7.img (KERNEL7.IMG)
Checking file /kernel7_backup.img (KERNEL~1.IMG)
Checking file /kernel7_erase_150818.img (KERNEL~2.IMG)
Checking file /overlays/.
Checking file /overlays/..
Checking file /overlays/hifiberry-amp-overlay.dtb (HIFIBE~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/tinylcd35-overlay.dtb (TINYLC~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/bmp085_i2c-sensor-overlay.dtb (BMP085~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/hifiberry-digi-overlay.dtb (HIFIBE~2.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/i2c-rtc-overlay.dtb (I2C-RT~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/pcf2127-rtc-overlay.dtb (PCF212~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/rpi-display-overlay.dtb (RPI-DI~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/ds1307-rtc-overlay.dtb (DS1307~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/mcp2515-can0-overlay.dtb (MCP251~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/hifiberry-dac-overlay.dtb (HIFIBE~3.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/pcf8523-rtc-overlay.dtb (PCF852~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/hy28b-overlay.dtb (HY28B-~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/rpi-proto-overlay.dtb (RPI-PR~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/hy28a-overlay.dtb (HY28A-~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/ads7846-overlay.dtb (ADS784~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/mz61581-overlay.dtb (MZ6158~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/iqaudio-dacplus-overlay.dtb (IQAUDI~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/lirc-rpi-overlay.dtb (LIRC-R~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/w1-gpio-overlay.dtb (W1-GPI~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/pps-gpio-overlay.dtb (PPS-GP~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/README
Checking file /overlays/iqaudio-dac-overlay.dtb (IQAUDI~2.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/rpi-dac-overlay.dtb (RPI-DA~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/piscreen-overlay.dtb (PISCRE~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/spi-bcm2835-overlay.dtb (SPI-BC~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/w1-gpio-pullup-overlay.dtb (W1-GPI~2.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/pitft28-resistive-overlay.dtb (PITFT2~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/enc28j60-overlay.dtb (ENC28J~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/hifiberry-dacplus-overlay.dtb (HIFIBE~4.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/dht11-overlay.dtb (DHT11-~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/gpio-poweroff-overlay.dtb (GPIO-P~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/i2s-mmap-overlay.dtb (I2S-MM~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/mcp2515-can1-overlay.dtb (MCP251~2.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/mmc-overlay.dtb (MMC-OV~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/rpi-ft5406-overlay.dtb (RPI-FT~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/rpi-sense-overlay.dtb (RPI-SE~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/sdhost-overlay.dtb (SDHOST~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/spi-bcm2708-overlay.dtb (SPI-BC~2.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/spi-dma-overlay.dtb (SPI-DM~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/uart1-overlay.dtb (UART1-~1.DTB)
Checking file /overlays/vga666-overlay.dtb (VGA666~1.DTB)
Checking file /.Trash-1000/.
Checking file /.Trash-1000/..
Checking file /.Trash-1000/info (INFO)
Checking file /.Trash-1000/files (FILES)
Checking file /.Trash-1000/info/.
Checking file /.Trash-1000/info/..
Checking file /.Trash-1000/info/kernel7.img.trashinfo (KERNEL~1.TRA)
Checking file /.Trash-1000/info/kernel7.trashinfo (KERNEL~2.TRA)
Checking file /.Trash-1000/files/.
Checking file /.Trash-1000/files/..
Checking file /.Trash-1000/files/kernel7.img (KERNEL7.IMG)
Checking file /.Trash-1000/files/kernel7 (KERNEL7)
/.Trash-1000 and
share clusters.
Truncating second to 0 bytes.
File size is 3989328 bytes, cluster chain length is 0 bytes.
Truncating file to 0 bytes.
Checking file /.Trash-1000/files/kernel7/.
Checking file /.Trash-1000/files/kernel7/..
Checking for bad clusters.
Reclaiming unconnected clusters.
Reclaimed 974 unused clusters (7979008 bytes) in 2 chains.
Performing changes.
/dev/sdb1: 74 files, 4394/7161 clusters
dosfsck이란 (MAN 참고)
MS-DOS 파일 시스템을 체크하고 수리하기 위함
dosfsck [-aAflrtvVwy] [-d path -d ...] [-u path -u...] device
-a Automatically repair the file system. No user intervention is
necessary. Whenever there is more than one method to solve a problem, the least destructive approach is used. -A Use Atari variation of the MS-DOS filesystem. This is default if dosfsck is run on an Atari, then this option turns off Atari format. There are some minor differences in Atari format: Some boot sector fields are interpreted slightly different, and the special FAT entries for end-of-file and bad cluster can be dif- ferent. Under MS-DOS 0xfff8 is used for EOF and Atari employs 0xffff by default, but both systems recognize all values from 0xfff8...0xffff as end-of-file. MS-DOS uses only 0xfff7 for bad clusters, where on Atari values 0xfff0...0xfff7 are for this purpose (but the standard value is still 0xfff7). -d Drop the specified file. If more that one file with that name exists, the first one is dropped. -f Salvage unused cluster chains to files. By default, unused clus- ters are added to the free disk space except in auto mode (-a). -l List path names of files being processed. -r Interactively repair the file system. The user is asked for advice whenever there is more than one approach to fix an incon- sistency. This is the default behaviour. -t Mark unreadable clusters as bad. -u Try to undelete the specified file. dosfsck tries to allocate a chain of contiguous unallocated clusters beginning with the start cluster of the undeleted file. -v Verbose mode. Generates slightly more output. -V Perform a verification pass. The file system check is repeated after the first run. The second pass should never report any fixable errors. It may take considerably longer than the first pass, because the first pass may have generated long list of modifications that have to be scanned for each disk read. -w Write changes to disk immediately. -y Same as -a (automatically repair filesystem) for compatibility with other fsck tools. If -a and -r are absent, the file system is only checked, but not repaired.
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